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Cultural Art Workshop

Program Overview: Mindful Expressions

Mindful Expressions is an innovative outreach program that utilizes the Cultural Arts disciplines of Visual Arts, Music, Writing/Poetry, Theatre, Photography, and Short Film to catalyze improved mental health. Led by specially trained Teaching Artists, this program is offered at no cost for youth and young adults aged 12 to 25 in Orange County.

Group of hands on top of each other

Cultural Art Workshop

Program Overview: Mindful Expressions

Mindful Expressions is an innovative outreach program that utilizes the Cultural Arts disciplines of Visual Arts, Music, Writing/Poetry, Theatre, Photography, and Short Film to catalyze improved mental health. Led by specially trained Teaching Artists, this program is offered at no cost for youth and young adults aged 12 to 25 in Orange County.


Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Engagement in the visual arts is an empowering experience that promotes self-expression and the development of coping skills for alleviating anxiety and depression. Workshops include instruction in acrylic painting on canvas, watercolor, sculpture, and more.




Participants experience the mental health benefits of engaging in percussion and string instruments through a series of workshops with an experienced music instructor. Song writing instruction is also available and is paired with Writing Workshops.




Participants engage in Improv, Personification, Set Creation, Costume Design, and many more theatre techniques to develop increased mental health through the Theatre Arts. A performance piece is often created as the finale of this empowering workshop series.


Writing/Poetry/Spoken Word

Writing/Poetry/Spoken Word

Participants engage in therapeutic writing techniques in small workshop groups led by specially trained Teaching Artists. The written pieces can be kept private for the program participants or shared in performance settings depending on the needs/desires of the individuals.




Participants explore the outdoors to capture photographs and learn digital editing techniques. These workshops are designed to share the mental wellness benefits of engaging in Analog and Digital Photography, fostering cultural representation, storytelling, and self-expression.


Short Film

Short Film

Participants create short films based on their written works - these workshops are paired with the writing workshops and culminate in a solo or group short film. P4W collaborates with the Directing Change Platform/Campaign to submit short films for State recognition and grant funding for the top-placing individuals.