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Monica Love

July 11, 2024

Monica Love

1. Tell us a little about yourself…

My name is Monica Love, I currently work as a Youth Engagement Specialist with LGBTQ+ youth to provide academic and socio-emotional support. I recently graduated with a B.S. in Child and Adolescent Development from CSUF last May and working with the youth has been very rewarding so far. I plan to work in the realm of mental health or wellness so I can encourage others to look after themselves.

2. What is your connection to Orange County?

Although I did not grow up in Orange County. I spent all of my college years here and I grew to love the area and the opportunity it brought me during school. I created many genuine connections here through my internships and fellow classmates in the child development field.

3. Share a little bit of your outlook on life…

Lately, I have been keeping my outlook on life very simple. I remember the day I graduated college I had a conversation with a relative about my nervousness for the future. They reassured me and left me with a message, “No matter what, do what Monica wants to do.” It sounds like common sense, but I really had never thought about fully putting myself first, especially as I was starting this next chapter in my life. I think this simple thought has really helped me get to know myself and make the best decisions I can at the moment.

4. What is your favorite book?

My favorite book right now is The ABCs of Self Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself, Reclaiming Your Worth and Changing Your Life by Melody Godred. It’s such a meaningful and aesthetically pleasing book that I think anyone can truly benefit from. It has great activities that I currently use with youth to help build self esteem.

5. What is your favorite self-care activity?

My favorite self-care activity is listening to music and coloring on the beach. Nothing makes me feel more at peace and grounded than watching the waves and feeling the cool air around me. If I can’t make it to the beach I will do the same activity at home on my comfy bed!

6. What drew you to being involved with community mental health work or advocacy?

I was inspired to be involved with community mental health work mainly because of my own experience. My mental health has definitely been a journey from early adolescence and even into adulthood. As I grew, I learned so many different things about myself and it interested me to advocate for others who may not be as comfortable with expressing their emotions. I think mental health should definitely be talked about more and it's especially important to have professionals with lived experience in the field.

7. What do you think Orange County can do more to help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health?

Orange County can do more to help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health by adding this subject to the education curriculum in schools and teaching students how to healthily express emotions. Creating a safe space in school to openly discuss mental health on a regular basis can allow students to recognize their own challenges and seek help from a professional without guilt.

8. What advice would you give to your younger self regarding mental health and self care?

I would definitely talk to my younger self about boundaries. In my early adulthood I have become much more comfortable with expressing myself compared to when I was younger. In early adolescence, we are still relying on our parents and guardians so setting boundaries and making decisions to cut out stressors are more difficult. But, advice on better communication skills can coincide with boundaries which would have led to more healthy conversations and advocating for my mental health.

9. Why do you think youth/young adults should attend community mental health events, like those hosted by Connect-OC?

Young adults and youth should attend community mental health events because it can reduce the stigma and also open themselves up to a community where they can connect with other peers. With the rise in social media, it's harder to find spaces outside of home, work or school to socialize. Events hosted by Connect-OC not only help advocate for mental health but also create safe spaces in Orange County for young adults to feel supported while an abundance of resources are available.


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